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Madonna delle Lacrime  Italiano.gif (234 byte)    


OUR LADY OF TEARS half way down the road to Borgo is an imposing Renaissance temple built on the site where a Madonna painting shed blood-stained tears.


Trevi, Chiesa Madonna delle Lacrime



The elegant portal (1495 ) is by Giovanni di Giampetro da Venezia. Inside are to be found frescoed altars by Spagna (1520) and Perugino (1521),also the Valenti family tombs.

For visits apply to the adjacent Istituto mons. Bonilli.






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Associazione Pro Trevi - I-06039 TREVI (PG)
E-mail: protrevi@protrevi.com
© 1996-2023 by F. Spellani
Grafica e gestione: Explica s.r.l.
Aggiornamento: 27 aprile 2017.