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9 - OSPIZIO - (Hospice)



This was the headquarter of the ancient hospice and the annexed church, not consecrated anymore, whose door shows this inscription: MDXVII   T(EM)P(O)RE  P(RI)OTAT(I)  BLA(N)CI JACOBI CELLI  (1517 During the time of Bianco Jacopo Celli’s Priorate).

The hospice was managed by the Cappuccini Friars and administrated by the Confraternita del Gonfalone. On the left side the remains of  paintings (XIV-XV century).




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Alberto Barbini 1989-2008 - Translated by Bill Thayer ©2010

Associazione Pro Trevi - I-06039 TREVI (PG)
E-mail: protrevi@protrevi.com
© 1996-2023 by F. Spellani
Grafica e gestione: Explica s.r.l.
Aggiornamento: 27 aprile 2017.