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Church of S. Andrea   Italiano.gif (234 byte) 
in Collecchio

Trevi, Italy. Collecchio, Chiesa di S. Andrea.
Trevi, Italy. Collecchio, Church of  S. Andrea
This little church stands on a very ancient path that connected Trevi to the great Roman road of the Via Flaminia toward Foligno: and it preserves for us, reused, parts of antique monuments that bear witness to the ancient road system.

The building is strictly oriented, thus putting its façade on the west. That façade is surmounted by an open belfry of the type known as a "campanile a vela"; all of it is in good condition after restorations conducted in 70's.

Trevi, Italy. Collecchio, Chiesa di S. Andrea, interno, S. Rocco, affresco XVI sec
Trevi, Italy. Collecchio, Church of  S. Andrea, interior, S. Andrea, 16c fresco.

The interior boasts two early‑16c frescos, one depicting St. Andrew the church's titular saint, the other St. Rocco.

On the northwest corner of the building, and inside, can be found, respectively, two classical funerary inscriptions.

Trevi, Italy. Collecchio, Chiesa di S. Andrea, interno, S. Rocco, affresco XVI sec
Trevi, Italy. Collecchio, Church of S. Andrea, interior, S. Rocco. 16c fresco.

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Translated by Bill Thayer ©2010


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